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Covid Risk Assessment & expectations

To view Jamiah Risk assessment please click here.

Student expectations can be found here

Please note these are live documents and latest copy may not be uploaded. Any latest copies of the policies can be requested from the office via email. Our email is

Safeguarding at Jamiah

To view Safeguarding and child protection policy please click here

Uniform and Personal Appearance

All students at Jamiah are expected to dress smartly according to Shariah.  It is compulsory that students wear the uniform; a white cap, a plain white Qurta and white Shalwar (trousers).  Students are permitted to wear a plain black sweater in class without any large motifs or hoods.

To view Uniform policy please click here.

Student Discipline and Conduct

Jamiah aims to create an environment that is supportive and mutually respectful.  All students are expected to be courteous and considerate towards staff and peers being cognisant of the consequences of their actions.

Jamiah does not tolerate bullying nor harassment of others and considers the welfare of students as paramount.

Students who do not adhere to the disciplinary code of Jamiah will face disciplinary sanctions, leading ultimately to exclusion.

To view the behaviour (discipline, sanctions and rewards) policy, please click here.

To view the anti-bullying policy, please click here.

To view the complaints procedure, please click here.

Medical & Health

Jamiah aims to ensure that all students are healthy and in the prime situation for studying, therefore, if there are any health issues, they will be addressed as early as possible and in a timely manner.

To view the first aid policy, please click here.

To view the method of supporting students with medical conditions, please click here.


Jamiah has two sets of curricula: the Islamic provision to deliver a full course in Islamic theology and the secular provision, which delivers secondary education to GCSE level and beyond (if needed).

The curriculum of Jamiah reflects our purpose:

  • allowing students to acquire a balanced and broad curriculum
  • providing students with an in-depth understanding of their faith and culture
  • ensuring that each student has the knowledge, skills and understanding to achieve their full potential and maximise their constructive contribution to their community and wider society.

Please see the curriculum policy here.

Other Information

The following policies and procedures are also available on request from the Jamiah office:

  • Complaints Procedure (and no. of formal complaints raised & addressed)
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Child Protection Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Equality and Diversity Policy
  • First Aid Policy
  • Sanctions and Rewards (Discipline) Policy
  • Summative list of staff and qualifications
  • And other policies.

If you wish to have access to any of Jamiahs policies and procedures please contact Jamiah via email on or call us on 01254 673105.

DATA for Complains record:

Academic year 2022-2023:

Complain 1: raised on 24/09/2022

Complain 2: raised on 15/11/2022

Complain 3: Raised on 10th January 2023

Bullying related:

Incident 1: 20/10/2022

Incident 2: 13/12/2022

Incident 3: 16/05/2023

© Jamiatul Ilm Wal Huda