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IFTA course

Please download and read the following document – the document gives a detail explanation of the Ifta at Jamiah (this document will guide all applicants in regards to the standards expected).

Document downloadable here.

This institute, realising the need of the local and international community, develops the students beyond the 6 year Alim course with an additional year in which they specialise in Islamic jurisprudence. This year is designed to give the graduated students an additional year of practice in Ifta (giving Islamic rulings).

Along with studying a few books with specialised teachers of Islamic jurisprudence, the main focus in this year is to give the students practice and experience of answering the day-to-day issues within the community.

The students are given on average one question a day by the teachers; the questions require a well-researched answer. Further, the daily questions that are asked by the community are given to these students to answer and research. Thereafter, the teachers verify, sometimes modify and finally accept the answers. This helps the students learn first-hand how to give answers regarding different issues. The questions given include the following topics;

  • Aqeedah (belief)
  • Sects
  • Tasawwuf (purification of the heart)
  • Taharah (purity)
  • Salaah (prayer)
  • Zakaah (charity)
  • Sawm (fasting)
  • Hajj (pilgrimage)
  • Nikah (marriage)
  • Talaq (divorce)
  • Business and trade
  • Janaiz (Death and burial)
  • Mirath (Inheritence)
  • Women’s issues

Different leading jurists of the community and teachers of our institute are assigned different topics in order to give the students a grasp of all the related issues.

The Ifta department is directed by leading, well-experienced jurists.

The staff includes jurists who can give answers in Arabic, English, Urdu and Gujrati.

Quries are taken by email, letter or telephone. However, the preferred option is email or letter.

All correspondence is kept confidential.

Darul ifta phone in time is

MON – SAT 11:30 – 12:00

Disclaimer: It is important to note the the Ifta department is merely a service for the community; help the community solve issues in accordance with Islamic teachings. It is not an Islamic Shariah Law court; therefore it will not enforce rulings like an Islamic court.

© Jamiatul Ilm Wal Huda